Friday, October 28, 2011

Find More MMO Games Friends

There are best friends, family friends, school friends, and then there are the cool friends who can wield magical staffs, swords and the most powerful weapon out there against an almost impossible horde of monsters.

Playing free MMORPGs, or massive multiplayer online role-playing games, opens up a different kind of social life for the player. The friends that one acquires through this kind of gaming can span oceans and continents. There are no boundaries except perhaps how much level and experience one has gained. But once one has attained the level of the big guys and can offer so much in terms of support and working with the team in defeating a particularly tough boss, then there is no stopping the fun.

The fun thing about playing free MMORPGs is the variety of other players that one gets to meet. It is almost like a training ground for the real world and dealing with real people face-to-face. Some start playing games with a group of friends and they level up all at the same time. But then at some point one or two would not be able to sustain the gaming and replacements will be needed. There will always be solo players out there looking for a team to work with, whether for long-term or short-term. In this way, new alliances and friendships are formed. For those who brave the free MMO game world alone, the finding of trustworthy companions is an adventure in itself.

Outside of the game there are even other channels that have sprung up to sustain the connections born within the game. There are forums and blogs and social networks for almost every free MMORPG out there. For the truly enthusiastic, there are even opportunities for actual meet-ups during conventions or events, or even through personal arrangements. The passion for the game nurtures these friendships and just as their characters level up, so do their social relationships outside of the game.

Cooperative Gameplay in MMORPG Games

The very nature of free MMORPG encourages these social interactions because it will be very challenging to survive through the quests and goals and battles all by oneself. Of course there are always options for solo playing in some games that is to hire companions within the game. These companions are characters provided by the game itself to aid new adventurers who have not yet fully decided how to proceed in it. Some solo players do this first until they get the hang of the game before seeking out characters run by real people.

But regardless of the path pursued within the game, in the end it is inevitable that one will get to know other players. Like-minded characters or complementary characters will naturally get drawn to one another and spawn a unique camaraderie that can only be found in an MMORPG. In addition to opening up worlds and ways to express oneself through the enjoyable character customization, free MMO games also open up new avenues for making friends and enriching one's social network. Besides, how many people, when asked how they met their best friend, can say something like "Over the dead body of a fire-spewing three-armed half-dragon, half-eagle monster"?

If you would like to start playing a free MMO game today, try this list of fantasy MMORPG games like World of Warcraft or visit MMO Worlds, the top website that focuses exclusively on the best free MMO games online. It contains links, reviews, gameplay videos, screenshots, game artwork and more.

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